John F. Barnes in Myofascial Release: The Search for Excellence
It has been estimated that over 90% of patients treated by therapists have myofascial dysfunction. Failure to recognize the importance of fascia with respect to the body’s structure and movement helps explain many of the poor or temporary results achieved with standard treatment. An entire physiological system has been ignored, and this omission must be corrected if we are to fulfill our mandate of providing the highest quality care for our patients. Conscientious physicians, dentists, and therapists have been in the vanguard in their attempts to fill this gap of knowledge and ability.
Myofascial Release leads to improvements in the body’s structural integrity and seems also to reach underlying or hidden information in the subconscious. This provides the opportunity for patients to examine their emotional state and belief systems that may no longer be relevant and may hinder healing. This allows for self- discovery and the opportunity for change and improvement.
The combination of myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, myofascial unwinding, and effective communication represents interlocking links or components where the sum is greater than its parts. It acts like a powerful catalyst, yielding both flexibility and strength for greatly improved results, allowing one to treat the whole person, physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
Barnes, J. F. (1990) Myofascial Release: The search for excellence: A comprehensive and evaluatory and treatment approach (2). Malvern, PA: MFR Seminars
- - Further information about John. F Barnes Myofascial Release Approach
-– Recommended readings, articles, and scientific research published about fascia and the John. F Barnes' Myofascial Release Approach
- (Video of live fascia based on the work of Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau)